5. Muscle Node

The Muscle node creates the geometry muscle shapes as well as collision meshes for them.

Correct initial settings

Using the name and visibility controls


  • Out Model - View the model or the collision model for the simulation.

  • Group - Used to set selection.


  • Subdivisions - Add extra detail to the muscle geometries

  • Tangential Smooth - Smooth the underlying shape

  • Envelope - Enable smoothing

  • Step Size - Amount of smoothing


  • Thickness - Thickness of the skin, recommended to be a low value.

  • Resample Enable - resample the SDF to be finer detail by smoothing it.

  • Scale - Lowering this value creates more detail.

  • Size - Raising this value creates more detail.


Samples - how many increments we test to solve the muscle. High samples will be more accurate. Alternatively shorten projection distance.

Iterations - How many times we iterate the muscle solve, higher values will have an inflation effect to the muscles, lower will be faster to work with.

Bias - how close the muscles inflate to each other,

Projection Distance - How far we test the muscles, usually should be between 0.1 - 1.0 for Human sized characters. Might need to be bigger/smaller if your character is bigger/smaller.

Threshold - Limits expansion based on angle of the muscle versus the SDF gradient.

Step Size - Amount of smoothing.

Self Intersections

Samples - Number of iterations to check self intersections on muscle geometry

Threshold - Limits expansion based on angle of the muscle versus the SDF gradient incorporated into the self intersection check.

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