4. PA Anim Export

Create a saved animation with this export node.


View - view the animation transferred to the model or the animation skeleton. Display Muscles - Display the muscles in the animation. Multicolor - View the muscles with multiple colors Enable Alpha - Use transparency to see through the skin of the character. Bind Weights - These are the bind weights generated from the animation skeleton or the simple skeleton. Skip Disabled - Do not cache animations that are not enabled Create TOPs Network - Creates a network

Character Name - String expression that tells you which is the current character Animation Name - String expression that tells you which is the current animation

All FPS controls are only capable of being used with bgeo

Source FPS - Frames Per Second Output FPS - The Frames Per Second of your output file. Force Match FPS - Sets the output FPS Set Target FPS - Enable setting of the target FPS to the Output FPS. Force Match FPS overrides this. Target FPS - The target Frames Per Second value to set the output FPS to.

Rest / Start / End / Inc - Rest frame of the animation, start frame of the animation, end frame of the animation, increment Version - version counter for output files. Eg: v001 Number Padding - number padding for version, counts leading zeros (eg: 2 - 01, 4 - 0004) Directory - Output parent folder. All your animation files will go here. It’s recommended to keep this separate from any folders in use with the CFX Rig. Out File Type - Type of file to output, FBX and BGEO are options. BGEO allows for control of Frames Per Second Attributes above. Out Path - Output file path to generate. Default value is an expression that generates the path dynamically, middle mouse button or right click on the parameter > Expressions > Expand String to view the resulting path.

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