1. PA Anim Import
How to set up PA_anim_import
PA_anim_import is designed to work in a similar fashion to Houdini’s KineFX nodes but also deliver the ability to work with multiple characters and multiple animations. In addition the node is designed to animate from the rest pose to the start of your animation reducing the need for custom preroll or work with custom preroll if desired.
Character imports
This node expects the output of the character setup process as it’s character inputs (bgeo.sc file from Anatomy Output node)
All On | All Off | Toggle Invert - Modifies the enable character attributes. Character Index - chooses the character to load from. Default value is the local variable @char_index which gets created when using the TOPs context node PA_anim_workitems. Character File - The current file based on the index and characters available. Character Name - Name of the current character. The current expression gets the characters name from the file paths parent folder. You may need to delete this expression and name your character manually if you have changed the Anatomy Output node from its default settings.
Set Up A Single Character
Character File - Find the character file saved out from the character building stage. Name - Define the name you want for your file names. Enable - controls what work items are generated in TOPs
Animation imports
All On | All Off | Toggle Invert - Modifies the enable animation attributes. Animation Index - Chooses the current animation to load from. Default value is the local variable @anim_index which gets created when using the TOPs context node PA_anim_workitems. Animation File - The current file based on the index and animation available. Animation Name - Name of the current animation.
Set up a single animation
Animation Name - Name of the animation. Alpha numeric characters recommended. (A-Z, 0-9, _, -)
Enable - controls what work items are generated in TOPs Hide - controls if the parameters are visible or not. Animation File - Find the input FBX Animation File
Up Type - Set the up type, this is only used if you need to change the up direction of your character. Match Scale - Forces the animation file to match the scale of your character based on the T-Pose Normalize Scale - This ensures there is no scaling on the animation by forcing the normalization of transforms for animation. You should leave this on unless you need to read scale values from your animation file. T-Pose Type - Set how you would like to load the T-Pose. File loads a static T-Pose FBX animation file from disk. Frame lets you choose a frame of the animation to use as the T-Pose
File - static T-Pose FBX animation file
T-Pose Up Type - Choose the up type for the T-Pose.
Mapping - Map what joints from the animation file to the
Evaluate as time/frame - Choose how to calculate time time / frame - Choose to operate on time based or frame based. For this Beta only Frame has been properly tested. Frame - Current Frame Number. T-Pose Start - The frame at which the animation is in T-Pose state. Animation Start - First Frame of the animation. Animation End - Final Frame of the animation. You must set this because it is possible to stretch the time line with animation Start/End. Speed - How fast to playback the animation.
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