7. Output Node

This node is designed to output all created meshes as a single package if used inside Houdini.


You must set the mass of your character in this node!


This node saves your character into a single file and creates some basic bind weights for them. The intention of the step is to have a single file that can feed the animation and simulation stage. From here you may also export via FBX or other ROP node types. You must save the output with no to view the results in this node.

  1. Out Models - This output contains three packed primitives of the skin, muscles and bones. Access them via the character_component attribute and unpack them.

  2. Rest Skeleton - Animation skeleton used for deforming the model.

  3. Rest Simple Skeleton - Animation skeleton that is simplified and used for matching animation to this character.

  4. Muscle Simulation Geometry - Tetrahedral meshes for simulation.

  5. Rest Muscle Lines - Muscle Lines used to measure flexing of the muscles.

  6. Skin Simulation Mesh - Tetrahedral version of the skin mesh for simulation.

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